No project is without snags after PC but I can say that Thames & Newcastle have worked through these with […]

I have no doubt that our home would not be what it is now for the budget that we spent […]

Thames & Newcastle have worked diligently and responded well to our instruction adding their own skill and experience to produce […]

Thames & Newcastle have followed working drawings to great effect & exceptional quality. They have a good, coherent, diligent team […]

Thames & Newcastle have proved to be highly proficient in both the actual construction of the building and the overall […]

Thames & Newcastle are consistent in their approach both on and offsite, they are personable and proactive in their management […]

The two projects that we have completed together have been a huge success and we now have a friendship and […]

I could not recommend Thames & Newcastle highly enough, they showed complete integrity, sensitivity towards our neighbours, were thoroughly efficient and generally […]

They are attentive and reliable; provide excellent input with good advice on design/buildability matters which have had a positive influence on […]

Thames & Newcastle have exceeded our expectations, from the exceptional quality of works onsite, informative detailed monthly reports, overall value […]

The quality of workmanship is to a very high standard. Their approach to the management of contractual matters has also […]

Thames & Newcastle, in all aspects of this project, have proved highly competent, organised and efficient. The management of the […]

Their team are approachable and personable, the workmanship and conduct have been of a high standard, and we have no concerns […]